En l’artícle anterior parlava del correu electrònic que havia enviat GOOGLE farà uns dies. L’he trobat i l’adjunto aquí per tenir-lo de referència. En ell donen les instruccions per solventar el problema d’alguna aplicació que no pugui descarregar o sincronitzar el correu electrònic (bàsicament el que cal és afegir-ho com aplicació de confiança dintre del nostre domini).
After November 4, 2019, Admin permissions will be denied for any third-party app not listed as “trusted.”
Dear G Suite Administrator,
We are simplifying how to enable access to G Suite Admin application program interfaces (APIs). Currently, two settings in the Admin console determine if APIs are enabled:
To improve security, starting November 4, 2019, we’ll only use the API Permissions setting. As part of this change, users will be restricted from granting access to an installed app unless its status is set to trusted. Once an installed app is trusted, it can access the Admin API and grant OAuth tokens to users seeking access.
What do I need to do?
Access your G Suite Admin console before November 4, 2019, to choose which of your installed apps (listed below) should have access to the Admin APIs by setting the API Permissions (OAuth apps whitelisting feature).
- Airmail
- Airmail iOS
To trust an app, follow these steps or watch this short video explaining how to use the feature to trust apps.
We’re here to help
If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact G Suite support. When you call or submit your support case, reference issue number 142935995.
Thanks for choosing G Suite.
—The G Suite Team